

“Be the change that you want to see”Mahatma Gandhi

No matter one’s capacity, all of us can always lend a helping hand to the less fortunate around us. From monetary contributions, engagement in our campaigns, volunteering opportunities to directly work with communities, to joining the our NGO team and working with us, there are many ways you can be part of our endeavor to work for the marginalised and the underprivileged.

  • Donate

    One of the easiest, fastest, and most effective ways you can propel girls and women empowerment is through monetary support. With your contribution, we can reach out to more and more women and girls from the poorest and marginalised communities with specific interventions.You can easily donate online via net banking, credit card and debit card.

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  • Campaigns

    Over the years our NGO has initiated, launched and organised several campaigns to raise awareness about specific issues around women and girl child empowerment. Some of the recent campaigns have focused on generating awareness on gender based violence, outreach during International Women’s Day, to rehabilitation efforts during disaster and natural calamities.

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  • Volunteer

    Become a grassroots volunteer by contributing your time and service at any of our project locations. It could be adverse environments like disaster zones, or peaceful communities in the interiors, struggling with education, health and livelihoods opportunities –and you can be there to learn, and help make a difference. For more details, write to us at

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  • Internship

    From time to time, we activate short-term engagement opportunities for those who want to intern with us, to understand our NGO’s work and further grasp the functionality of the development sector. We are always on the lookout for fresh, enthusiastic and dedicated minds to join our team. For more details, write to us at

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our NGO recognizes that the complex issues faced by modern India can only be resolved when the state, the civil society, individuals and corporates join hands, and work with each other. A wide lens approach that accommodates many more partners has become indispensable to avoid failures and multiply the odds of success. The calls to leverage the efforts and capabilities of all stakeholders to step up the impact of poverty reduction and social inclusion programmes are growing louder, and our NGO is working to achieve this goal, through collaborations.

We aim to empower women and girls from marginalised communities which will lead to sustainable positive changes in their lives and livelihoods. The participation of the corporate sector is crucial to enable us to achieve our vision and mission.

Our expertise in designing sustainable solution-based models aligned to your CSR goals.

Ways to Partner

  • Strategic Partnerships

    We work closely with our partners to understand their immediate challenges and help them identify, design, implement, monitor and evaluate sustainable and scalable programmes. Our strategic partnerships include a multi-faceted, long-term integrated approach across thematic areas of Health, Education, Livelihood, Humanitarian Response, Women Empowerment and Gender.

  • Employee Engagement

    Give your employees the opportunity to make lasting change in the lives of women and girls from marginalised communities through fundraising and skills-based volunteering. Employees may choose the causes they are passionate about, and support through payroll giving and volunteer time as well.

  • Cause Marketing

    The cooperative effort between a for-profit and a non-profit for their mutual benefit - gives people the opportunity and knowledge they need to help. Profit-generating, powerful global brands have the resources to raise awareness of nonprofit organizations, while also promoting their product.

For more information or above Partnerships, please write to us at

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In the case of developing countries like ours, there is a dire need of more philanthropic investments to enable change and to speed up growth for more sustainable results. Countries like India where socio economic dynamics are complex and multifaceted need Institutional support for more comprehensive growth and development. Such development initiatives and projects are planned over several years of continuous efforts to achieve the desired change and impact within a society.

Institutional funding is usually in the form of large grants and monetary support to organizations for such large-scale work that involves extensive budgetary support. It is the continuous support from institutional donors that ensures stability and allows more systemic and sustainable change through policy reforms, advocacy, research, and new methodologies of intervention. Such funding is therefore vital in enlarging the canvas of outreach to national and international levels to ensure equal opportunities to human beings to achieve their full potential.

For more information, please write to us at

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our NGO’s Internship Programme is a leadership development model for young enthusiasts who have a keen interest in working in the development area, and are dedicated to build a world in which women and girls from marginalized communities, especially Dalits and Adivasis, are able to live a life of dignity and security. Through the Internship Programme, the interns are able to develop their leadership ablities, professional skills and social conscientiousness.

Internship opportunities are available for fresh graduates and post-graduates who wish to pursue a career in the field of development. The goal of this programme is to groom interns so that they can take up leadership positions in the development space in future.

For more information on upcoming opportunities, please write to us at [getinvolved (at)]

Internship Program